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4 Signs It’s Time for New Shoes

4 Signs It’s Time for New Shoes

Many people, both kids and adults alike, have treasured pairs of shoes that are difficult to part with. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever – especially anything experiencing regular wear from feet that are walking, running, jogging, dancing, kicking, and doing other things that can take a toll on various shoe materials. Plus, the shoes you wear can have a big impact…

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5 Simple Exercises You Can Do to Keep Your Feet Healthy

5 Simple Exercises You Can Do to Keep Your Feet Healthy

The muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones, and joints in and around your feet play a significant role in your mobility, including your ability to walk, run, jog, kick, and sprint. Your feet and ankles are designed to be fairly resilient, which is why foot-related pain is usually a temporary inconvenience. Even so, there are proactive steps you can take to reduce…

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